Must Do 7
Know Your Customer Base – do thorough research to find out about their needs and preferences. Research should also scope out, not just their demographics but also their preferred media and channels of communication. It also almost goes without saying that you should research the competition and get to know about their success or otherwise in the market place and what strategies they use.
Must Do 8
Reasonable Budget – set aside a reasonable budget for marketing. Generally, it is fair to say that you get what you pay for. However, with the right strategy, successful marketing results can be achieved cost effectively. Be clear with your marketing professionals about budget levels and agree clear target outcomes against timelines or other milestones. Use your budget efficiently to get the greatest results by using strategies with the potential to lever larger results. Try peer to peer, word of mouth viral marketing campaigns which can be set up for a relatively modest initial investment.
Must Do 9
Build relationships – one-way marketing communications are increasingly being superseded by two-way relationship between customers and their brands. Social media has been the game changer here. Consider building a community or at the very least ensure your marketing strategy is designed to engage your customers and encourage brand advocates to lead peer to peer recommendations.
Must Do 10
Be authentic – consider critical factors such as the role of reputation and ensure that you do not turn customers off by breaking promises or spamming them with aggressive self-serving sales messages. Also consider integrating customer service into your marketing objectives to keep these strategies aligned. After all it’s as important what customers say about you as what you say about yourself in the social media world. Consequently, your reputation is key and needs to be synonymous with your brand being seen as trustworthy, transparent and respectful towards customers.
If you would like help with your marketing strategy click here to get in touch – Diana Chrouch – Chrouch Consulting – Marketing Strategy Services